Weekly Tarot: May 31st - June 6th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- Page of Wands

The Page of Wands is a free spirit on a path of discovery both of himself and of his surroundings. Notice he is literally blindfolded, leaving him to be led not by his human sense of sight, but instead by spiritual guidance and inner knowing. The Page of Wands is bright and bold, motivated by his intuition to act and move forward.

Whereas last week we got a glimpse of what our path looked like and what we are moving towards, this week what is changing is we won’t be able to see the end goal so clearly. In fact, we may temporarily become completely blind to what it is we’re working towards, but we need to keep moving forward anyway.

The key here is to trust, and more importantly to build trust with yourself and the universe. Even though we can’t see how this will all turn out, we need to believe that we’ll stay on the right path and get to where we want to go. In fact, this week our only option is to trust that we won’t wander off the path and to use our other senses to orient ourselves. We need to trust that the path is defined by wherever we go not the other way around. 

We are being tested -- do we really believe that things will work out for the best? This is where we can prove how much we believe in the highest good. It is when we cannot see the next step on our journey that we make true progress, because we build unshakable faith. This card tells us we have a choice to make: we can either stay put where we are, afraid of where we might go, or we can have faith in our own intuition and allow it to guide us to what we want.

If we choose to stay put, we may not ever accomplish our goals or receive our desires. Faith and trust are needed at this point more than ever, and those qualities will bolster any action we take towards our desires at this moment.

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- Three of Wands

More fire energy! The Three of Wands is all about growth and expansion. It’s representative of the progress that happens when potential is acknowledged and we begin to take action to realize that potential.

This is like the next step after you can finally visualize your goal clearly. Once you can see what is out there for you to accomplish, the strategy changes because the horizon has been stretched. In this spread, this card represents a perspective shift: where we were thinking a little too small we are now going to be dreaming BIG.

This is a supportive energy because it is an expansive energy. This energy reminds me a lot of the old cliché: “Shoot for the moon and if you fail you’ll land on a star.” When your goal is bigger, badder, and better and you fall short of it, you’ll end up much farther along in your journey than if you’re too conservative with your goal.

What supports us this week is that we’re being audacious with our dreams and goals. We want the absolute best outcome, and we aren’t afraid to ask for it. Being this determined will take us very far in whichever direction we choose.

If we harness this fire in our belly and let a big, crazy dream lead the way, we are sure to be successful in one way or another. We may not land on the moon, but we are guaranteed some real estate on a star. 

This week, allow that guarantee to hold you up when you’re feeling low. Allow yourself to ask for exactly what you want without holding back or being conservative. If you could have literally anything that you want, or if the situation turned out exactly as you wish, what would it be?

Now ask for that. Then ask for that again. And again, and again, until you have it because you know you’ll get it.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is, again, all about deception, illusion, and fantasy. I sound like a broken record at this point, but I don’t care because this message is worth stating over and over until we all understand it:

Things are not what they seem right now.

Yes, even the things we know are wrong. Yes, even the things that look good or bad. Yes, even the things we love, support, and cherish. 

We should not be taking anything at face value at this time. Nothing has been stripped down to its inherent truth at this point, and there is still so much we have to confront and unpack. There is still so much illusion to get through, and if you read my last post, there is a lot left of this funhouse before we get out of it.

We are right in the middle of many overlapping illusions right now. Besides the current news cycle which is filled with protests, riots, pandemic, and violence each framed in about a thousand different ways (i.e. each presented as an illusion), we are being challenged with illusions in our personal lives as well. 

Through these big events, we are having to look more closely at our own lives and our own actions, and we are confronting many of the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. Outside of that, we may also be continuing to handle Venus retrograde kinds of happenings like reliving break ups, healing from heartache, playing whack-a-mole with texts from exes, and learning more about relationships with mothers. 

In short, we’re dealing with a lot of painful bullshit right now, and it’s all at the level of love. 

In another way, the Seven of Cups is still here to remind us that illusion can be productive, and I find that accepting that can be a huge challenge in and of itself. 

For example, with everything that’s going on, there are people speaking out about injustice that have never even entertained this topic before. My theory is that people are suddenly willing to do this because of the illusion that they have nothing to lose, which was created by the pandemic and its fallout. Because they believe they have nothing to lose, they are able to be honest with themselves and with others and call out injustice in a way that seemed too risky before. Ultimately, illusion plays an important role in allowing people to go beyond what they believe to be their reality, and create massive and unprecedented change at a collective level.

Put another way, have you ever had a dream where you experienced something you’d never even thought about doing in your waking life? When you woke up from the dream, did you suddenly become interested in pursuing that experience in your waking life, thus opening your mind to something you hadn’t even realized you were closed off to? This is the power of illusion -- it makes us feel safe enough to try something completely new (and potentially revolutionary) because it creates this sandbox to play in outside of “real life” where we aren’t influenced by the usual risks and inhibitions.

The challenge here is two-fold: dismantling illusions that don’t serve us while also recognizing the beneficial role that illusion can play, if used correctly.

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- The Tower (Reversed)

The Tower depicts a castle tower crumbling and a person falling from the tower as it is destroyed. In traditional tarot images, The Tower is also depicted as burning -- it’s a symbol of complete upheaval of things as we know them.

I am not the first person to make the connection between The Tower and its imagery and symbolism with the riots that have broken out across the country. Other tarot readers and spiritual healers have also been able to recognize these events as a Tower moment in which chaotic change takes hold and we are forced to surrender to it.

Here, though, we see The Tower in the reverse. I am reading this card in this position as a huge opportunity for lasting and fundamental change in our world, because The Tower reversed shows us that the most important change is the one that happens within.

While protests, riots, and violence of all kinds continue around us physically, they are having an effect on us internally as well. The biggest opportunity we have this week is to internalize the changes that are happening outside of us to level up individually, and when we level up individually, we have a fighting chance of improving the world around us collectively.

The Tower reversed is begging us to take a look at our individual values and throw bricks at the ones that aren’t serving us anymore, to torch the beliefs that are destroying us from the inside out.

To me, this is about refusing to believe that we are unworthy of safety, love, and connection. This is about opening our hearts and minds to the presence of all that is good and nourishing already inside of us, and pushing the rubble of negative inner narratives aside to see that more clearly. We need to shore up our self-esteem and recognize our value independent of others. We need to vehemently refuse to internalize the hate and worthlessness that we have experienced by the words and actions of others.

We need to protect our inner lights with every ounce of force that we have, especially when that means eradicating the negative voices that live inside our consciousness and lead us to believe we aren’t good enough to fight for.

This is a critical, pivotal moment for us all. The Tower reversed points to the fact that that moment is especially happening inside of us, at an individual level, that lives symbiotically with the collective level as well. When we heal individually, we heal collectively. 

Oracle Card --

“I create mindful moments throughout the day, reminding myself that I am love and miracles are natural

from The Universe Has Your Back Oracle Deck

Ultimately, it is up to us to accept that we are love, we are light, and we are creators. It is up to us to accept this as true and live it out through our thoughts and actions, and it is up to us to believe this when we are told otherwise from external sources.

We are extremely powerful when we act from a place of love because when we act from love, we are acting in alignment with our purpose.

When we act from a place of love and are mindful of the intentions behind the actions we take and the words we speak, we can create miracles -- we can do the unthinkable.

Amidst all the chaos and pain, please remember that you are powerful, you are worthy, you 

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form.


Weekly Tarot: June 7th-13th


Weekly Tarot: May 24th - 30th