Weekly Tarot: June 7th-13th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- Three of Wands

This card came up last week as supporting energy for us, and this week it moves up into the place of what is changing, morphing, and shifting.

If you read last week’s tarot, you already know that the three of wands is all about fleshing out potential into tangible goals. It’s about seeing what is truly possible and pushing it one step further. The three of wands brings an energy that lights the fire in our bellies to dream bigger and push harder towards big, bold dreams and ideals.

As something that was previously supporting us and is now changing, what is clear to me is the effect of the lunar eclipse on Friday (June 5th) and eclipse season in general: quick, sweeping changes and edits to what we thought we wanted.

While last week may have pushed us to dream big in one specific direction, this week we’re realizing that maybe that direction isn’t actually what is most aligned for us after all. This is a good thing: we’re refining our goals and learning to go after what we truly desire and what truly makes us happy instead of being guided by the most flashy option presented to us.

Going back to the notion of eclipse season, this is a time when various lunar and solar eclipses happen in succession over the course of about a month. Though we may not always be in the path of totality and therefore unable to observe these eclipses, they always mark moments of rapid shifts in energy, direction, and focus. Thanks to a close astrologer friend, I now understand that the best way to know how an eclipse (lunar or solar) will affect you, you’ll want to see which house it falls into in your chart. For example, the lunar eclipse on Friday was in Sagittarius, which rules the 10th house in my chart so topics and areas of life that the 10th house governs will be most affected for me. 

In terms of the three of wands suddenly changing from being a supporting energy to one very much in flux, this is consistent with the rapid changes and sort of turn-things-on-their-heads energy that eclipse season brings. What we just learned about and thought we thoroughly understood we suddenly come to realize needs more work and attention. Similarly, we may realize that what we were focused on wasn’t anywhere near what really needs the most attention in our lives or where we have the most potential for growth and change.

This is definitely a moment where we may feel the rug pulled out from under us, but it’s important to remember that we did nothing wrong to feel this way -- it’s simply an inevitable part of the cycle of change and growth to feel this way. Resist beating yourself up for having to change course so quickly because you are not at fault for this change.

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- Page of Cups

This card was also in a recent reading! The Page of Cups is all about youthful and loving energy -- it is the embodiment of the playful and creative side of our emotions and of love. 

In tarot, the Pages are the most youthful characters, full of curiosity and a childlike wonder about them. The Page of Cups is specifically about creativity and being open to the intuitive messages that come when we open ourselves to new experiences and new ways of thinking. The Page of Cups allows himself to be taken with his emotions and go wherever they lead him. He allows himself to be led by his feelings into creative adventures, and trusts that doing so will not hurt him or lead him away from his truth.

This week we are completely supported by our own emotions and the truth embedded in them. I read somewhere recently that an emotion, of which there are roughly 27 that humans experience, is absorbed into the body in about 6 seconds. The Page of Cups reminded me of this thought, and also of the fact that emotion is so innately human that it is foolish to think we can live without it or try to outsmart it.

There is so much truth in the emotions we feel, even the emotions that we shy away from or avoid. Maybe the emotion itself isn’t valid in terms of the reality we are facing, but emotions point us to the places we need to heal or the places we need to bravely ask more of ourselves. 

The key in understanding how the Page of Cups is supporting us this week is in understanding that our emotions, while ever-changing and constantly flowing into one another, are trustworthy and should be worked with more closely.

What supports us now is the fact that we are able to trust our emotions to take us on the right creative adventures for us, and we know that we can trust our emotions to do this because they are so innate to us. We can feel safe knowing that what we are feeling is a roadmap to where we need to go, and we can feel empowered knowing that working with this roadmap and listening to it more closely will produce us on an even more beautiful, awe-inspiring adventure.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Five of Swords (Reversed)

The five of swords is a card about conflict and disagreement. It’s also a card that symbolizes the energy of being obsessed with competition and feeling you need to win at all costs. The Five of Swords is sharp and cold energy born of the darker places of the mind where ego takes center stage. Usually, when upright this card is about being in competition with others and justifying whatever actions you “have to take” in order to beat them out or try to get out of the situation altogether. To me, the five of swords happens when there is a true conflict or argument happening and it gets ugly as the participants become fueled by competition and the need to beat the others.

Because it is reversed, however, I think this five of swords is pointing to a very different reality. We have created a narrative of struggle, conflict, and ends justifying means about a particular subject or event in our lives. This will be different for everyone, but the first thing that pops into your head when reading this is likely where you’ve created a story of conflict in this way.

In many of the recent readings, there has been caution around believing what you’re seeing at face value because everything is an illusion at this moment. If you did not heed that advice, and sometimes even if you did, this kind of reaction directly follows from that. 

When we take things at face value when there is much more to it, we may be angry at what we are seeing and choose to fight against this perception in our minds. We feel we have to come out on top against this thing not realizing that what we think it is is not the whole story at all.

The conflicts that we are struggling with and against at this time may have some roots in a real problem, but the playing field they are on is entirely created in our own minds. The tension is coming more from within than it is from an external challenge. 

The message of the five of swords as the biggest challenge this week is multifaceted.. First, it is a challenge to recognize the conflict you are fighting in and against is actually mostly in your head and not actually happening as a result of an external trigger. Second, it is a challenge to untangle the reasons why you may have created this conflict instead of having another reaction to your situation. And third, it is a challenge to keep fighting in that conflict if you choose not to disarm the illusion.

The five of swords tells us we are up against a great deal of internal discomfort and unrest. It is challenging us to see the negative narratives we have created and given life to. This discomfort isn’t going anywhere and needs to be addressed in one way or another -- that is the biggest challenge. 

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- Knight of Wands x The World (Reversed)

These cards came out together, so I’m interpreting them both separately and together. The Knight of Wands came up in a recent spread as well -- his energy is fiery and impulsive, definitely the energy of a Sagittarius which is in line with the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius we had a few days ago. 

In the other spread where this came up, the Knight of Wands was in the position of the biggest challenge -- much like the three of wands coming up again in the opposite position than it did before, this reminds me a lot of that turn-things-on-their-heads eclipse energy. What was our biggest challenge just a couple of weeks ago is now our biggest opportunity. 

Then we also have The World: the culminating card of the Major Arcana, this card is all about the closing of a cycle and the subsequent expansion of consciousness and awareness. The World is a card of leveling up in our own personal journeys and in this position in the spread its an indicator of hope for change on a grand scale.

The World is what happens when things come full circle; we end a journey and suddenly we are at the beginning of the next one. This is a moment of gratitude, of looking back just to take stock of everything that has been overcome and accomplished and taking those victories into the next stage of life.

Because here The World is reversed, it is indicating that we may be going back to revisit some journeys we thought had been completed at this time, in addition to the traditional messages from it. While we are moving towards the closing of a cycle, we are also in a prime position to go back and tweak some things we had completed and are no longer satisfied with. At this time, we may be moving forward by going back to something we thought we had already figured out.

These two cards together are telling us to use our need to break free (Knight of Wands) to lead us to the next level (The World). They are telling us that our biggest opportunity is charging courageously into the next stage of growth, and to welcome the discomfort that comes with closing something out.

This is sort of a graduation energy, the feeling that when one door closes another one opens. We may be simultaneously sad that the first door closed and rejoice that the second door opened. There are many mixed emotions here, but the key is to view these sweeping changes as an agent of necessary and productive change. 

I think it can be easy to get so caught up in the notion that things are changing and our focus is shifting that we forget to revel in the moment of graduating to the next level. It’s easy to get so taken with the excitement of growth that we forget to celebrate what has already been accomplished. This week, we also have the opportunity to celebrate how far we have come and honor that progress by progressing even more.

We are being led to take the next step towards our destiny, and it will take the courage and evergreen energy of the Knight of Wands to take this step when we may be feeling very beaten down.

Rest assured that if you choose to make the effort to take that step, and you take it with full faith that it will lead to growth and prosperity, the growth and prosperity will certainly come.

Oracle Card -- “My FAITH has the power to turn trauma into HEALING, conflict into GROWTH, and fear into LOVE”

from The Universe Has Your Back Oracle Cards

This oracle card goes perfectly with the biggest opportunity this week -- it is a wonderful reminder that oftentimes we in order to take a step towards a brighter future, we have to take a step away from trauma, conflict, and fear.

It can be extremely difficult to walk away from those things even if we know they aren’t benefiting us because for many of us trauma, conflict, and fear were all ingrained in us early on and have become comfortable. 

Change can be difficult and uncomfortable even when it is necessary to bring us something better. This week, work on building up your faith in the power of transformation and change. Push yourself to accept that if you believe in good things coming to you, they will.

It isn’t our will and determination that has the power to change trauma into healing, conflict into growth, and fear into love. No, using our ego to perform these miracles is inefficient at best.

Our faith is the best tool we have to transform our weaknesses into assets and our lack into abundance.

We are powerful creators full of love and light, but we are also only human, so we tend to accumulate things we don’t like and carry them around unnecessarily. 

This week, realize that you are in control of what you carry

You can choose to carry trauma, or you can choose to transform it. 

You can choose to carry conflict, or you can choose to grow above it. 

You can choose to carry fear, or you can choose to release it and let love in.

I hope you choose to transform your trauma, grow above conflict, and release fear in favor of love. Have a wonderful, transformative week!

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form. 


Weekly Tarot: June 14th - 20th


Weekly Tarot: May 31st - June 6th