Weekly Tarot: May 24th - 30th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- Nine of Cups

The nine of cups is all about emotional fulfillment, wish fulfillment, fertile ground, and getting what you want. This week, we are getting closer to receiving what we wished for long ago. We are moving towards our dreams in an accelerated and divinely guided way. We are being shown the path to getting our hearts desire, and more importantly, we are carefully laying the groundwork to prepare to receive.

The biggest message I’m getting from this card here is that we need to prepare to get what we want. Sometimes we ask for things or desire things that couldn’t possibly fit in our lives right this moment as they are. That’s okay, and it doesn’t make that desire any less valid or any more difficult to get. What it does mean is that we’ll need to do some prep work in order to fully enjoy that thing once we get it.

Take for example the desire to have a child. Before you can be ready to be a parent, you’ll need to be ready to be pregnant and give birth. Even if you’re ready for those things, you’ll need to get and set up a crib, diapers, baby clothes in various sizes, bottles, and all sorts of things I don’t even know about because I don’t have a kid. The point is that there is much more to having a child than just having it: there is lots of preparation in many facets of life that need to be worked out before the child arrives.

Similarly, when we want something and manifest it into our lives, we need to have that figurative nursery ready for when it arrives. We need to lay a foundation and get all the things around that desire in order before we receive it in order to receive it properly. Right now, we’re in the nursery set up stage: we can feel that we’re about to get exactly what we want, and this is the final step in preparation before it can get here.

As we get closer to receiving our desires this week, what is changing are the things around that area of your life that need to be ready to receive. You’ll feel things shift and start to fall into place in a chain reaction that leads to getting what you want. 

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- Seven of Cups (Reversed)

The seven of cups upright is all about illusion, deceit, and having many options to choose from. In the reverse, the seven of cups is about narrowing those options down and beginning to discern illusion from truth. We are supported by the inner knowing and acceptance of truth that is growing within us.

With Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all currently in retrograde, the likelihood is that truth won’t be revealed to us by others, but rather an understanding of what is really happening will build gradually within us.

What supports us this week is the way illusions are starting to fall away so we can get closer to understanding the truth that is under it all. We can trust that we are beginning to understand the bigger picture of things, even if we can’t yet see the whole thing, and even if there are still a lot of questions left unanswered.

A word of caution with this: with so many planets in retrograde and with it being Gemini season, it’s important to remember that there are still many illusions. Gemini is the trickster of the zodiac, and this season is particularly full of that kind of energy. This can be helpful, if extremely difficult, because grappling with tricks and illusions can help us get clear on reality. This week, we don’t know the whole story yet so it’s smart to act like it and not make any rash decisions with information that comes to light this week. 

The truths that will be revealed this week are part of the whole story and contain some of the answers. We are by no means in a position to make big decisions or judgements based on what surfaces this week. Take the information as it comes and turn it over in your mind to get clear on what it might mean for you.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is passionate, impulsive, and full of energy. He is adventurous and comfortable with following his impulses, chasing every spark he feels. The Knight of Wands is a bold figure that bravely explores unknown territory and enthusiastically acts without thinking.

That’s the problem though: he acts without thinking. The challenge this week will be to hold ourselves back from the impulses that arise as we go through the Seven of Cups in the reverse process I described above. 

As new information comes to light and as we navigate tricks and illusions, we will want to take action right away in whichever direction our emotions point us. The challenge is to not give into this. These impulses are just that - pure emotional impulse, the desire to move on to whatever is next even if we’re not clear on what exactly that is.

Again, in this astrological moment, chasing every spark is extremely foolish. The fantasies we entertain now are temporary, even if they help us get to a long-term reality, they are fleeting and our emotions around them are fleeting as well.

It isn’t going to be easy, but this week the challenge we are faced with is resisting the urge to act first and think later. To get the most out of this moment, it’s best to feel out our reactions without acting them out externally. For example, we can write about every mean thing we want to say to someone that hurt us and release that anger onto a piece of paper. However, saying those things to that person is highly imprudent right now.

When the sun is in Gemini (i.e. Gemini season), emotions run high. There’s that sort of feeling of rushing to do everything at once. The feeling of wanting to satisfy every craving just as it comes and before you even have the chance to notice it’s already gone. This week we’ll be challenged with that same feeling as it relates to how we act in tricky situations. Instead of trying to satisfy the craving of telling someone off or professing undying love right in the moment you feel like doing it, take a beat, think about it, and you’ll likely realize that you don’t actually want to express yourself in that way. There may be other factors at play that are causing you to have that impulse that have nothing to do with the situation at hand.

If you absolutely must react to something big this week, take as much time as you can to compose yourself and choose your words and actions wisely. Don’t let your emotions run the show.

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- The Fool

The Fool is such a hopeful and fun message in tarot. The Fool is all about taking a leap of faith and letting go of expectations. It’s about leaning into the discomfort of uncharted waters and finding the fun in an uncertain journey.

The Fool presents us with the opportunity to remake ourselves this week. To rewrite our stories, to rethink our narratives and thought patterns, and to rebuild our foundations. The Fool asks us to take a second look at the discomfort we’re all feeling and see the unparalleled opportunity to start completely fresh.

After all, because uncertainty is neutral on its own, we can make it as bright and beautiful as we wish. Taking a leap of faith means you accept the 50/50 chance that you’ll fail, but also the 50/50 chance that you’ll succeed.

We have the opportunity to see the glass as half full, to have faith that taking this leap will land us in a better place. With so much truth coming to light and so much contemplation around it, we have everything we need to make something much better if we want to.

The Fool tells us that this week we can start over if we see fit. The Fool also tells us that the journey is just beginning: he is the first card of the major arcana, he is so much the beginning that he isn’t even number 1, he’s number 0. This is where we can choose to embark on the journey not knowing where it will take us, or we can choose to stay at this moment, stuck in the fear of uncertainty.

That’s the beauty of The Fool. You cannot tell in the image if he is falling or flying, if he is leaping off the cliff or stopping himself at the edge. But either way, he is making his choice almost with a sense of humor and hope -- what some may call “foolish”.

Our biggest opportunity this week is that of a fresh beginning. It would be wise to leap and see where that lands us. 

Card 5: Bonus Message -- Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)

In the upright, the Ten of Pentacles is all about stability. It’s about building a foundation of wealth, community, connection, and pride that will stand the test of time and live on as a legacy. It is a symbol of strong foundations and steady times ahead.

However, in tandem with the trickster energy of Gemini, the Ten of Pentacles in the reverse doubles down on the message that everything this week is temporary. In the reverse, the Ten of Pentacles is more of a question: what is truly stable and steady in life? This week we are faced with unsteady ground that is unfit for rooting into or building on. Everything around us and also internally in our minds is in flux right now.

This isn’t something to be afraid or wary of, but rather, this adds a frame with which to contextualize what we’ll come up against this week. If we know that everything is temporary and fleeting this week, we can resist the urge to act impulsive or take things personally because we know that this isn’t yet the new order of things.

We can rest easy knowing that these tricky times will pass, that these illusions won’t last forever, and that we’ll walk right out of this fun house just as we walked in. 

That being said, when you walk into one of those disorienting fun houses at carnivals, if you go in with the attitude of trying to outsmart the tricks and get to the bottom of what’s happening, I can guarantee you’re going to have a horrible time.

However, if you walk into the fun house knowing that nothing you’ll see in there is how the world actually is and you decide that it will be a fun, temporary detour from your usual experience, you’ll have a great time just experiencing the different rooms and sensations. You’ll walk out of that fun house slightly dizzy and thoroughly amused.

Look at this time of shaky ground and illusions like a fun house: your experience depends on your attitude. If you are overworking yourself thinking you can outsmart this energy, you’ll exhaust yourself and miss all the fun. If you give in to the energy and just let it wash over you, imagine how much fun you’ll have exploring fantasies and coming upon the nuggets of truth in each one.

It is a tricky week for sure, but I hope everyone can find the fun this week. I wish everyone a good laugh!

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form. 


Weekly Tarot: May 31st - June 6th


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