
Hi there!

My name is Ariana - I'm an intuitive tarot reader, dedicated dog mom, and hardworking young professional. I’m originally from Rhode Island, and lived in NYC for a few years before taking a leap of faith and settling in in Austin, TX.

Throughout the last couple of years, my life has seen many big changes: a devastating breakup, a cross-country move, a spiritual/psychic awakening, a graduate degree, and a few different jobs. Along the way, I’ve picked up habits and routines that keep me grounded while helping me build the life I want.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned over the years is that the mind, body, and spirit can’t be tended to separately -- they’re intrinsically linked, and we do our best and most stable growing when we tend to all three sides of ourselves simultaneously.

According to my degrees, I'm an economist. According to my bookshelf, I'm a lifelong learner of all subjects. I'm an idealist, an art snob, and a caring friend. No matter how you identify, I hope you find exactly what you need to heal fully in every area of life.

I'm so glad to have you here!

Ariana Chantel