10 Instant Mood Boosters


If you’re anything like me, this period of chaos in the world is starting to get to you (or, it’s been a while since it has), and it’s getting harder to stay positive and in the best mindset. While it’s unrealistic and a little out of touch to try to block out everything that’s going on and pretend like nothing’s happening, what we can do is make room to feel good even if it’s just for a moment.

It’s important to take moments to shrug off the heaviness of current events and take life a little less seriously. It keeps us sane, and makes it easier to keep going though this time. Lately, I’ve been finding myself feeling low more often, and these easy fixes have done a lot to help me feel better and get on with my day -- even if that means getting back into bed and not being “productive”.

  1. Smile. It will be fake at first, but after a few moments, it won’t be anymore and you’ll feel like you’re radiating sunshine from the inside out. It’s wild how well this works, especially given how trivial it sounds. 
  2. Listen to a comedy podcast. My all-time favorite is Congratulations by Chris D’Elia, but whatever’s your style will work just as well. Turn it on for as long as it takes to get you to really laugh. Then keep listening, if you’d like. I find this makes great background noise for chores I’ve been putting off.
  3. Make a cup of tea. A lot of times when I feel down it’s because I’m in my head and too focused on my thoughts. Getting really involved in the steps of making tea -- filling the kettle, putting it on the stove, waiting for it to boil, selecting the tea bag, etc. -- not only helps me get out of my head but results in a soothing and delicious refreshment.
  4. Dance. Go ahead and bust out your guilty pleasure playlist, blast it on your speakers, and move your body in whatever way feels good for at least one whole song. Getting your blood pumping and loosening your body is sure to elevate your mood, plus it’s a nice burst of energy.
  5. Cuddle with your pet. There are lots of studies out there that show how petting a dog or cat can reduce stress and improve your mood, both in the moment and long term. If you don’t have a pet and can’t borrow your friend’s, google “pet adoption stories” and get the tissues ready for all the happy tears.
  6. Get dressed. Putting on some “outside clothes” may feel ridiculous considering most of our trips consist of going from the couch to the bathroom to the kitchen, but getting dressed will instantly help you feel more organized, productive, and awake. Bonus points if you put on something that makes you feel especially good about yourself, like a favorite dress or heels -- when you look good, you feel good, too.
  7. Light a candle. Or diffuse your favorite essential oils. Whatever option is easiest for you, there are many proven benefits to aromatherapy including soothing effects, and mood improvement. For stress relief, lavender and eucalyptus are great. If you’re looking for an energy boost, citrus scents, lemongrass, or mint are all excellent choices.
  8. 1 Minute Tidy. Set a timer for one minute, then get up and tidy everything you can around you. Put things in their place, straighten up decorations, dust, or sweep. I always feel better when things around me are tidy and clean, and this is a great way to tend to that without feeling like you have to break out all the cleaning supplies and dedicate a few hours. Once the minute is up, you might want to keep cleaning, go for it! If you don’t, though, no shame in shifting your focus elsewhere.
  9. Say Affirmations. It might be helpful to write some specifically for yourself when you feel down because you know best what would cheer you up. Personally, I like to say “I can choose to feel better right now” as many times as it takes for me to believe it. When it’s especially hard, you can always tell yourself that you’ll come back to feel this feeling later, but want to feel lighter for the moment.
  10. Reach out to a friend. You don’t have to call or FaceTime or Zoom, any form of communication will do. Right now it’s especially important to stay in touch and connect with loved ones virtually because for a lot of us that’s impossible to do face to face or in person. You’ll be amazed at what a quick chat with someone can do, even if it’s just a sequence of memes sent back and forth on Twitter.

I hope these easy and quick ways to feel better right away can help in some way. What are your favorite ways to bust out of a low mood? Let’s keep the list going in the comments below!


Weekly Tarot: May 17th - 23rd


Weekly Tarot: May 10th - 16th