Weekly Tarot: May 10th - 16th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- Queen of Cups

What’s changing is our softness about everything. We are becoming more in tune with our feelings and it is becoming harder to ignore our intuition. We are growing more comfortable with our emotions and more comfortable with allowing them to lead us when appropriate. Instead of letting the last few weeks harden us, we are learning to let this experience help us return to our natural empathy and we are relearning how to listen to our gut. We are learning that there is strength in feeling our feelings, in being vulnerable, and in leading with our hearts. We are coming in alignment with Yin or divine feminine energy and allowing ourselves to turn inwards for guidance.

This week, we are also coming into a period of sensitivity, or consciousness, of things beyond the physical realm. We may have vivid dreams, sudden realizations, and eerie gut feelings. This isn’t anything to be afraid of, and the more we lean into it the more we’ll get out of it in terms of wisdom, understanding, and peace. 

Card 2: What supports us this week? -- The Empress

It’s such a beautiful thing to have this card be supporting us on Mother’s Day! The Empress is all about the feminine standing in its power. This is the card of a true ruler, but not one that appropriates masculine traits in order to lead. Instead, The Empress shows us what it looks like to be the ultimate mother in a way. A nurturing leader, firm yet understanding and empathetic. The Empress is also a wonderful way to root down when we’re going through a Queen of Cups type of awakening -- where the Queen of Cups asks us to float around with our whims at times, The Empress reminds us of the stability that is found in fertile ground.

The Empress is also usually a card of fertility in the literal sense, so I feel like this week will remind us that our greatest power is the power to create. We are manifestors, we can create any reality we dream up, and just as The Empress uses her power to rule with fierce love, we can invoke this sense of control over our own lives. The Empress roots down into love: every action she takes is to protect and nurture what is close to her heart. This week, we are supported by the same type of love. We are being asked to tend to our inner child with the fierce love of a mother. We are being asked to remember that this love is what grounds us, what allows us to grow, and what connects us to more.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords is all about feeling stuck to a point of imprisonment. It’s the cage that holds us back from reaching for our dreams and tucks us away from receiving the good things in life. However, this card also speaks to the idea that oftentimes these cages are not real, external boundaries, but instead self-created limitations placed on ourselves from a place of resentment, fear, and insecurity.

To say that we are facing a great fear with the pandemic and subsequent events would be an understatement. This week we will feel trapped in our own imagination. The challenge here is to not only acknowledge that the cage is an illusion, but take steps to dismantle it completely and free yourself. I think it’s important to note that even when a limit isn’t actually there, if we feel it is, we are making it real. Either way, that limit is stopping us from moving forward, whether it’s real or we believe it is there when it is not. This is the biggest challenge we often face as humans. First, discerning the truth of the limit, and then building the courage to overcome the limit once we understand its truth. This week, we’ll be faced with this energy head on - it may make us feel anxious and alone, but asking “why do I feel trapped? Is that reason true or in my head?” is how we can overcome the feeling.

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- the Two of Pentacles (Reversed)

We have a great opportunity to come into balance this week and stop juggling things around carelessly. When we experience a disruption of normalcy, it’s easy to be thrown off balance and suddenly not know how to complete even the most mundane routines in life. This week, as we come into alignment with our intuitions and address self-imposed limitations, we have the opportunity to create a new sense of balance, a “new normal” (I really hate this phrase, but I think it fits here).

This “new normal” has nothing to do with whether we’ll be wearing masks until next year or ordering a roll of toilet paper with our takeout dinners, but what this really means is the life you’ll put together with all the new information you’ve gained about yourself during this period, and more, up until this point in your life. For example, a lot of people have expressed that because of this time working from home they’ve realized how much they hate going into the office, and are enjoying this work-life balance. This week, we all have the opportunity to find a way to implement those realizations in our every-day lives, pandemic or not.

This doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul, it can be as small as noting that when you have more time to wake up before getting on with your day, you have a better day and a better life. You may realize that you have a new appreciation for the little things in life and want to start a gratitude practice. Whatever it is you’ve realized, now is a great time to try to integrate it into your day-to-day.

Card 5: Overall Energies/Bonus Message -- 10 of Swords (Reversed)

This card is a sign that it’s not over, and we still have some fight left in us. It’s also a good reminder to not succumb to external influences, but rather be guided by your own intuition in everything you do. Allowing yourself to live in a way that primarily pleases others leaves little room to please yourself, and this is a waste of who you are.

This is a message to keep fighting for what you believe in, to keep going and stay focused on what it is that you want in life. This is a message to block out the noise and get real with yourself about what you need. Staying informed with current events isn’t valuable to you if it robs you of inner peace and prevents you from loving yourself.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of us for we have all created something great! I wish you all safety and health. 

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form. 


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