Weekly Tarot: May 17th - 23rd


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- The Empress

This is really interesting because The Empress was in our spread last week as a source of support for us, and this week, she is changing. As you might recall, The Empress is a symbol of all things feminine, fertile, and regal. She is the embodiment of the divine feminine, and she is the epitome of womanhood.

To drive this home, you'll see that in her hand she carries the symbol of Venus, which we also use as the symbol for female. In many ways, The Empress represents Venus and her energy in tarot.

The planet Venus just went into retrograde in the sign of Gemini last week on May 13th. In astrology, Venus is the planet that rules all things love, pleasure, connection, relationships, and beauty, just like the roman goddess Venus or Greek goddess Aphrodite. When Venus (the planet) goes retrograde, it marks a time for us to get back to basics in all the areas the planet governs.

This can be anything from getting clear on what you want out of our romantic relationships to where you’re lacking in self-love. All retrograde periods tend to be difficult no matter which planet because it is generally a time when things break down in that area of our lives so that we can see what needs our attention.

Back to The Empress being what’s changing, this is definitely referring to the beginning of Venus retrograde. The Empress is still here - she is still the embodiment of divine feminine energy - but she is refining the things that make her who she is. She is taking the time to rebuild whatever parts of her are lacking so she can emerge as an elevated version of herself a little further down the line.

This week will call upon us to take a long hard look at how we love ourselves, and as a direct result, how we love (and are loved by) others. This process will take longer than just a week, so strap in. Venus doesn’t station direct (i.e. come out of retrograde) until the end of June 2020. 

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- The Magician

This may be my favorite card in the tarot because The Magician is all about manifestation. What is supporting us this week is the power we all have as creators of our lives. While we may be painfully pointed in the right direction by Venus retrograde happenings, the good thing is that we can always, always, always bring our desires to life.

The Magician in this position is reminding us that we can always dream ourselves out of any situation, that we have the power to practice alchemy with our own lives and turn less than ideal situations into the perfect moment.

There is also a sense of destiny and of things meant to be with The Magician. Personally, I always get this feeling that The Magician doesn’t just manifest whatever comes to mind, but instead, he gets in tune with what is best for the highest good and then conjures that up into reality. In terms of manifesting, this is a big lesson: use this power prudently.

When you manifest something, make sure you want it for the right reasons. Make sure that this is a power you are grateful for and use to implement the realizations you may be having as a result of Venus retrograde.

This is also quite a comforting card in this position given how difficult it can be to deal with Venus retrograde. After all, this astrological transit asks us to confront the very things that make up our self-worth in many cases. Isn’t it comforting to know that once we have those tough realizations, we can manifest something better? The Magician knows that it’s worth knowing what isn’t gold because it shows him where the alchemy is needed.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- The King of Cups

Another card that points to Venus retrograde, the King of Cups is the last card in the suit of cups which is all about emotions, love, and intuition. The King of Cups illustrates that the truest and highest love is one that lets go and trusts.

There is a wisdom in his energy that can only come from loving and releasing love. He knows that the greatest act of love is releasing it, choosing to not try to control it.

Notice his closeness with the sea, and notice how calm the sea around him is. He knows that the more he surrenders to the great and powerful sea of emotion, the calmer the sea is because it doesn’t feel the threat of his control, his ego.

The hardest part of this early Venus retrograde week is going to be learning to let go. I think in a lot of modernity, there is this sense that control = success. That’s extremely problematic when it comes to relationships because it ingrains in us this false ideal of controlling another person and a connection that cannot ever truly be reached, and probably shouldn’t even be the goal.

When we can’t achieve that ideal, we internalize it as a failure and file it away as another reason we are not deserving of love. We go around trying to control every loving interaction or connection we have just as we try to control everything else in life, and when that inevitably ruins the relationship we take it personally.

The challenge is to see how that cycle, or another harmful cycle based in your need to control, is playing out in your life, particularly in how you treat others and yourself. This is an extremely hard thing to do, but rest assured that if you take it on, you will gain the wisdom of The King of Cups. You’ll also gain the energy of unconditional love that surrounds him eternally, as well as his never ending peace.

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- Waning Crescent Moon

Moon cycle cards are not part of the traditional tarot, but they are part of this deck.

The Waning Crescent Moon comes towards the end of the moon cycle after the moon has become full and right before it wanes down to a new moon again. This is actually the phase the moon is in as this post is published -- it’s always so cool to me when the moon cards match the current moon phase.

This time is a good time for rest, peace, quiet, silence, relaxation, and simplicity. The biggest opportunity for us this week is the peace that comes with silence and being with ourselves. Because of Venus retrograde, we may have a hard time connecting with others and we may find ourselves alone in silence without conversation more often. This is a huge opportunity! Not only for reflection but for rest.

Personally, in the past, I have struggled with pulling myself away from connections periodically to check in with myself and rest. However, as I’ve learned to implement that routine more and more, I find that I feel much better and secure in myself and therefore I’m more able to give and receive in relationships. 

This week will bring exactly that opportunity to us. This time is especially important to surrender to because it is the rest we need before setting intentions at the new moon. Without the silence we have at this time, clarity at the new moon is much more difficult.

I’ll be writing more about moon cycles and phases in an upcoming series!

Card 5: Overall Energies -- The Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is like a wonderful, fun loving child. He is jovial, creative, and full of love. His is an energy that keeps it light while still giving in to the constant changes of emotions. The Page of Cups is comfortable with feeling his feelings, and finds beauty in everything he encounters. If The Empress is Venus/Aphrodite, then The Page of Cups is like Cupid/Eros. 

The Page of Cups here is telling us it doesn’t have to be so heavy -- getting real with ourselves can be fun! We can be creative in how we choose to get to know ourselves and love ourselves, in fact, creativity is more than welcome to this process. The Page of Cups is here to remind us how fun it was to fall in love the first time. He’s here to tell us we can feel that way again, if we choose to. 

After all, it is up to us to choose the easier path. The harder path doesn’t have to be more rewarding, not if you don’t want it to be. It’s up to you how you heal, how you grow, and how you keep love alive and young in your life. Go ahead, flirt with yourself!

I hope everyone has a beautiful, flirty, and peaceful week!

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form.


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