Weekly Tarot: June 28th-July 4th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- the Full Moon

The Moon Cycle cards included in this deck aren’t typically in tarot decks, but I’m glad to have them here. Sometimes they are about timing, sometimes they are about the energy of that cycle, and sometimes (like this week) they are about both.

This week, we’re building up to a full moon in Capricorn on July 5th. As the moon waxes to it’s full state, the energy around us will build and we’ll feel more energized than we have in a while. If you’re interested in a moon cycle series where I break down these stages in more detail, let me know in the comments below!

Besides the obvious connection with the full moon coming at the end of this week, the full moon is indicative of a time of clarity, and powerful change as a result of embracing intense emotion and banishing negative energies. Between last week and this week, there are definitely some positive and clarifying changes happening in the astrology. For example, Venus finally stationed direct after almost six whole weeks of being retrograde and complicating all of our thoughts around relationships, love, value, and beauty. That shift alone will clear a lot of cobwebs and have many of us feeling like we can carry on again.

In addition, Mars -- the planet ruling our ambition, the way we pursue goals, how we fight for things we want, our drive -- is moving into the sign it rules, Aries. A planet being in the sign it rules is a good thing because it means it’s feeling at home where it is -- it doesn’t have to contort itself to fit into a different mould. Aries is the sign of the warrior, and in mythology, Mars is the god of war so, while this period may not spark a great deal of violence, it will certainly light a fire under us and ignite determined action.

This will definitely make things seem clearer as well because this week we’ll be able to see the logical steps and actions between where we are and where we want to be. We’re finally coming out of that funhouse I mentioned a few weeks back; we’re shaking off the dizzy spells, and we’re charging ahead having integrated everything we learned from those illusions.

We’re also coming off of a week of major revelations and shifts set in motion by the solar eclipse + summer solstice event. That may have kicked up some dust for us at the onset, but this week the dust is settling and we’re seeing what’s meant to be revealed to us. Clarity is the name of the game this week, which is a huge huge change from the scattered, confused, and introspective energy we’ve had for months now.

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- Four of Swords (Reversed)

The four of swords upright is the great reminder of resting in order to keep fighting, of choosing our battles wisely, and ultimately accepting the wisdom that not every battle is meant to be fought.

However, the four of swords reversed is quite the opposite. Here, I’m reading it as about fighting or moving forward after taking the necessary time to prepare, and forging a wise path ahead after careful contemplation. To me in this spread, this card is more about taking the Mars in Aries fighter energy to heart and integrating it in our lives as a means of supporting us when we feel we can’t keep going.

To clarify, when I say “fighting” or “fighter” I don’t mean against someone or in a violent way. What I’m referring to is more like the persona of someone that defends what they care about and goes after what they want; an advocate for themselves with a little bit of edge. Sort of like that “fighting for what’s right” idea.

Again, this is all about Mars finally coming home to its own sign of Aries, and with that transition coming into a position where we can easily tap into it for our own benefit. There is still a lot of tricky astrology to come this year, but knowing that we have Mars in Aries is a great consolation, and a gift that will keep on giving if we use it correctly.

Knowing how to harness this energy will only be possible after learning the difficult and sometimes painful lessons of months past. If you did the work then, you’ll feel a jolt of energy now and really start making progress towards the things you want and the healing you need. 

If you haven’t learned much from the period of funhouse-like illusions and tricks, this time of Mars in Aries (which will last 6 months, so the rest of the year) will feel chaotic and scary for you. Not to worry, you wont get left behind but you will have to buck up and learn quite quickly if you want things to even out for you.

Also, the four of swords reversed cautions us against thinking we can take on anything in the world. While we should take advantage of the shift to action-oriented energy, we should be extremely careful of burnout and exhaustion. Definitely be careful to not run yourself ragged in the avid pursuit of your goals and dreams. Remember, we’ll be in this type of energy (at least as it relates to Mars) for a whole 6 months -- this is a marathon not a sprint.

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Judgement (Reversed)

Judgement reversed is a reminder to listen to our inner voice and inner calling towards our purpose. It often comes up when we’ve known what the right move is for some time and just keep choosing to ignore it. It also comes up when we’re listening more to our inner critic and less to our higher self, resulting in poor and hasty decisions. 

Through all the chaos, it’s been damn near impossible at times to keep track of where exactly our higher self is leading us. Even more, when it has been easy to hear that inner voice, we haven’t always liked what it’s been saying, especially as we’ve confronted revelations and uncovered uncomfortable truths. It’s really difficult to do the right thing right now because the right thing is likely also the harder, less fun thing. 

The hardest thing this week will be to avoid getting swept up in how easy things may suddenly feel. We actually do need to keep our guard up a while longer in order to keep going in the right direction and ultimately make decisions we’ll be proud of after this week.

The key is to slow down and listen to your higher self when you feel yourself getting too caught up in what to do next. Yes, Mars in Aries will feel good to a certain degree, but it can also be somewhat corrupting if we choose action instead of contemplation and wisdom. This week, the challenge is recognizing that the best actions are the ones we think through before setting into motion.

The challenge here isn’t refusing to act; no, now is a good time to act on things, actually. Rather, the difficulty comes in discerning when it is time to act and when it is time to think and listen instead. That will be supremely difficult this week especially now that we’re feeling the energy needed to move ahead.

Because this is such a tricky card and a tough thing to navigate without much direction, I’ve included some journal questions below that will help you check yourself in moments of impulsive action.

Journal Questions:

  1. Where am I feeling ready to act prematurely?
  2. What is it that I want to accomplish with the actions I suddenly feel ready to take? Are they actually productive towards my goals or might they hinder me from achieving them?
  3. What is the call from my higher self I’ve been ignoring?

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- King of Swords

The King of Swords teaches us about intellectual power, mental clarity, and truth. The King of Swords is a mastermind who is intelligent beyond measure and values truth above all else. He knows that each righteous path is built by following one truth to the next and the next after that. He knows that truth is only available when mental clarity is achieved, and he respects the process of transformation as a necessary part of gaining wisdom and greater understanding.

I once read somewhere that the King of Swords is a champion of transformation, and that phrase keeps coming back to me as I write this week’s post. What is becoming available to us is championing transformation.

Already this year we have faced so many challenges, threats, and obstacles that are pushing us both individually and collectively to transform on a deep level. Once we are finished with one transition it seems another pops up right after it.

If you’ve learned anything this year, I hope it has been to embrace transformation when it is thrust upon you. 

The rest of the year won’t be any different, by the way, so now would be a great time to take advantage of the opportunity to come into a King of Swords mindset before we take on even more of the chaotic and unstable energy that awaits us in the second half of 2020.

If we step into the King of Swords energy, we will understand that the purpose of all transformation is to uncover universal truths, and we will recognize that this transformational year is no different. We are collectively and individually in the pursuit of a greater truth at this moment, whether we want to be or not.

This week, the opportunity that we are presented with is to become genuinely curious about the process of transformation as a means to uncovering truth and gaining mental clarity. The opportunity for us is to embrace this transformative period not only as a necessary part of any life cycle, but also as a mental exercise. This week, we are being guided to embrace the lessons we’ve learned so far as additions to our intellectual toolboxes -- we are so much smarter, so much clearer and empowered, for having taken on such impressive challenges thus far. 

Take a moment and reflect on how you embody this King of Swords energy. Do you champion transformation or cower in the face of change? Are you comfortable discerning truth from lies and illusions? Do you trust yourself to return to mental clarity and intellectual reasoning when you need to?

Oracle Card -- “I find a deeper meaning and personal growth amid the discomfort”

from The Universe Has Your Back Oracle Cards

This oracle card sort of distills both the Mars in Aries energy of the warrior and the King of Swords energy of the intellectual side of change.

This week, we can use this oracle message as a mantra to remind us to find what benefits us within the things we find unpleasant. We are meant to be confronting uncomfortable, unpleasant, and dark things at this time but that doesn’t mean we have to succumb to them. We are meant to rise above, through healing.  

Truly, it is when we are able to see the darkness where it is light and the light where it is dark that we know we have achieved a state of clarity and mindfulness. When we can recognize how difficult times actually benefit us even as they break us down, we transform and grow tremendously.

In times of struggle this week, remind yourself that Aries the warrior is made to not only withstand but thrive in the midst of battle and try to channel that into your actions. When the chaos and turmoil around you is too much to bare, put your King of Swords crown on and take a look at things through the eyes of intellectual mental clarity -- parse through things to find that deeper, symbolic meaning. 

At this time, it’s important that we remember we are built to take on both dark and light, difficult and easy, discomfort and pleasure. We can find good and bad on both sides of these dichotomies, and we need to remember how well-equipped we are to seek the light in times of darkness. 

We were built to withstand this and come out the other side thriving.

May we all remember that we are strong like warriors and wise like kings this week!

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form. 


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