Weekly Tarot: June 21st-27th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- Knight of Swords

This is always such a complicated card for me to read because it brings up so many conflicting things in me. I think that rising inner conflict on its own is a great indicator of what we can expect to be shifting this week, but I’ll get into the actual card interpretation as well.

On the one hand, the Knight of Swords is driven, ambitious, and can easily think on his feet to act just as quickly. This almost reminds me of the superhero The Flash -- his speed and matching mental agility is what makes him heroic and dependable. However, on the other hand, thinking and acting so quickly with only ambition and determination in mind can easily result in a lot of preventable mistakes. When you’re moving fast toward a goal, you may forget to tend to the details and leave behind some of the most important (though small) things. 

This week, we are beginning to grapple with this exact type of inner conflict. It’s not that we’re conflicted over what’s right and wrong at this point -- no, hopefully the Death card last week was the last step towards clarity in that regard. This time, the conflict is around movement towards the next accomplishment. 

For those that aren’t as plugged into astrology, yesterday (June 20th) we experienced both Summer Solstice -- known as the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere -- and a solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Individually, both of these events would bring the kind of booming energy for change that ignites inspiration in us. Together, the effects of these events multiply one another and we’re charged with the impulse to reflect and transform and overall, to get moving.

The Knight of Swords is definitely in sync with the results of yesterday’s events: we may not see the outcome of what’s been put into motion since yesterday, but we can feel that we’re suddenly moving in a new direction. Note how the Knight of Swords is charging forward with so much force and speed he almost looks as if he could fall off his horse. Be careful to not get so caught up in this energy of change and transformation that you get thrown off and distracted by it -- deliberate movement is the best type of movement, even if you have to slow down a bit.

What’s changing this week is how we move. In past weeks we’ve been mostly stagnant in the sense that we’ve been guided by our reactions and impulses only to be brought back to the same problems until we faced true change -- we’ve been stuck in a feedback loop that may have seemed like we were moving forward, but in reality, we were going in circles. This week, we’ll depart from that cycle with the help and force of the solar eclipse and move decidedly in one direction or the other. We’ll feel the flavor of our internal conflict change and we’ll become more frustrated with delays as we focus on what lies ahead. Careful here: this is a pretty massive and substantial shift from the type of energy we’ve been dealing with lately. It’s best to stay grounded and centered within when shifts like this happen.

Card 2: What is supporting us this week? -- The Seeker 

While the last card told us we’re moving in a specific direction, you may be asking what direction that actually is. This card answers that question.

The Seeker is a card that is unique to this tarot deck and is part of its major arcana. While the traditional major arcana begins with 0 - The Fool and ends with 21 - The World, here the addition of ∞ - The Seeker places it at the beginning or the end of the sequence. Because The Seeker is meant to represent the place where the self and higher consciousness (a.k.a. The universe) intersect, this card and its corresponding infinity number tells us that any life path, any journey we embark on in life, will always begin and end with where we meet ourselves and therefore the higher power.

It’s important to realize that this card isn’t just about going inward, but it’s more about understanding that we all are part of higher consciousness. It’s about recognizing that believing we have access to divine guidance is just the beginning, and pushing past that to understand that the more we meet ourselves and accept ourselves the more divine wisdom becomes a part of our minds, values, hearts, and beliefs.

The Seeker is about coming home to our spiritual origins. It’s about healing the rift that exists between our cynical minds and our faithful intuitions. It is this deep, primal healing energy that supports us this week.

Healing that rift will not only support us in how we move this week, but in where we move and the direction we take to move forward.

This is a profound message of healing and increased consciousness and connection to divine source. If this is completely going over your head right now or not resonating, please understand that this message may not be for you right now. It is not a commentary on your depth as a person or your progress towards your higher self, it is simply a message for those that are in a position to hear it and implement it.

By all means, though, if you have questions about this, please leave them in the comments below and I will do my best to further explain!

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Ace of Pentacles upright is all about beginnings -- it’s about planting the seeds of what you wish to harvest later, and about starting fruitful endeavors. Too bad it’s not upright this week, amirite?

In the reverse position, I’m reading the Ace of Pentacles this week as an indicator of a challenge as well as a caution. First, I think it indicates the fact that in order for us to begin this new journey of change and transformation that has been sparked by the eclipse, we have to leave some things behind in the form of endings. In order for things to begin, other things have to end. It can be challenging to end things, especially if you previously started them with the intention and belief that they would be good.

We’re realizing now that some things we wanted in the past actually aren’t serving us at all. We’re ending unhealthy and unhelpful thought patterns and cycles, and choosing to start fresh elsewhere instead. We’re moving ahead, but disappointed that we even have to end some things we’ve grown attached to.

It’s tough to leave things behind. It’s tough to admit that you may have started something in your life that was foolish or not in service to your highest good. It’s really hard to admit we made the wrong decision, or that we were tricked by an illusion. However difficult these things are, this week this is exactly our challenge.

The caution that comes from this card is slightly different. We are being cautioned to learn from those mistaken investments and instead to take some time to reflect before manifesting or setting intentions for something new. I cannot overstate this enough: if you don’t actually think and reflect about what went wrong the last time you manifested something, nothing is going to change in the outcome when you try to manifest it again. 

Put more plainly, if you don’t take the time to grow from a mistake or learn the lesson, you will keep making the same mistake over and over again. Even though we had a new moon yesterday, it is completely unwise to set intentions about whatever pops up in your mind right now. Take the time and the care to center yourself, do some real reflection, digging, and even healing in regards to past efforts and then and only then set intentions for what you want to manifest coming up.

Not to worry: to help you with this process, I’ve written some journaling questions that can be found at the end of this post. 

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity? -- Justice

Whew, what a beautiful card to end with. It’s what we’ve all been yearning for these past few weeks. The biggest opportunity this week is Justice.

Justice is one of the most obvious cards in the tarot because it is one of the only values we talk about in this way in mainstream culture. The Justice card is an indicator of fairness, balance, advocacy, progress, and of course, justice in the traditional systematic sense.

We are finally being given the opportunity to right the wrongs and balance the extremes. This week will allow us to take a peek into what the future holds for us, though we may not see it come to full fruition just yet. 

All around the world, people have been protesting against racial injustice and demanding justice be carried out. This week we will see more progress in that specific regard though it likely will not be drastic just yet. Remember, this is only the beginning of a period of progressive change. However, we will certainly be able to identify more of this effect and this opportunity in the world around us this week.

On the individual level, this card brings a great deal of peace and rest. We have the opportunity to bring balance back into our lives this week. Where we have been overworked, we will now get to rest and where we have been avoidant we will now confront what needs our attention. We can take some substantial steps towards healing now that we haven’t yet been in a position to take. We can really start to accept both the dark and light aspects of ourselves and remove extremes where they aren’t serving us.

Overall, this week the Justice card brings us hope. All we have to do to take advantage of that opportunity is allow ourselves to feel hope, and subsequently allow ourselves to feel inner peace and balance. This is another card that points to the importance of healing both individually and collectively, so it’s wise to focus on that at this time. 

Oracle Card -- “I do whatever it takes to get closer to consciousness”

(from The Universe Has Your Back Oracle Deck)

This oracle card harkens back to The Seeker energy -- we are working towards a higher sense of consciousness. We are pushing forward in the dark to see where the light resides within it. We are putting effort into leveling up in so many different ways, and we are putting effort into being better and more aware human beings.

This week, let this be your mantra. Do whatever it takes to get closer to consciousness, and realize that sometimes that means resting. Sometimes that means doing nothing at all. Sometimes doing whatever it takes means letting yourself be led by your intuition. Doing whatever it takes doesn’t have to be defined by the work you put forth, but instead, it can be defined day by day and moment by moment depending on what the challenge is you’re facing.

Note the owl on this card. Traditionally, the owl has been regarded as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Along with the written message on this card, this tells us we actually have to try to raise our consciousness. It doesn't just happen to us, but we have to take an interest in our consciousness in order to get closer to it. Also, the owl is nocturnal meaning that it is comfortable in darkness and lives completely in it. Like the owl, we have to not only brave the night but become comfortable in it in order to experience true growth and the acquisition of wisdom.

The key here is to understand that the definition of “doing whatever it takes” is completely malleable and will change all the time. It’s fluid and it should be because our lives, thoughts, and feelings are naturally fluid.

As promised, here are some journal questions you may find useful this week:

  1. What tends to happen when I rush through things? Do I like fast, action-oriented movement, or do I prefer a slow and steady approach? Why?
  2. Thinking back on the last month or so, have I been triggered by external events? When I look closely at those triggers, is there a common thread that connects them?
  3. What has happened with projects I’ve started in 2020? Am I happy with the outcomes? What would I change about my approach or my intention?
  4. What unrealistic expectations and standards am I holding myself to? What do I think I’ll achieve if I meet those standards?
  5. Where in my life am I feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Is this something I truly have control over?

As always, I wish you all a wonderful and purposeful week full of love and light!

***To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form


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