Weekly Tarot: May 3rd - 9th


***Note: I created this spread, and I read tarot intuitively meaning that I was not formally taught in any way. These are my thoughts and intuitive reactions to each card in each position, and these interpretations may not resonate with you, personally. This is in no way meant to predict certain events.***

You can buy this deck here.

Card 1: What is changing this week? -- The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Things may take a turn for the worse. This card is definitely highlighting the cyclical nature of the pandemic and our response to it. This week, I think we’re going to see a dip in morale, and definitely a peak of confirmed cases and deaths in a lot of places. On a large scale, that’s what this card is here to tell us - there isn’t going to be a happy resolution soon in the world for this crisis, at least not this week. 

However, what I like about the Wheel of Fortune in either the upright or reversed position is that there’s a nod to the cycle and order of things that everything in this life follows. Things go up just as they come down. Things are good and then just as they get bad, they get better again. The seasons show us this Wheel perfectly -- there is a time for everything, a flow of dark following light following dark. The Wheel of Fortune whether upright or reversed reminds us that just as we have bad luck and everything feels against us, we are also equally capable of having great luck and feeling everything supporting us in our journeys. 

All of that is to say that while things will likely not feel too bright and hopeful this week on the surface and out in the world, there is a promise of something better. Nothing stays bad and dark for too long. The Wheel of Fortune in this position also makes me think that even though things on a societal level may take a turn, we may experience big wins on a personal level this week and feel a sense of disconnectedness between those two happenings. 

Card 2: What is a constant this week? What supports us? -- The Knight of Pentacles

Rest assured that we are building a better and stronger foundation for the world and for our individual lives throughout this difficult time. Slow and steady, the Knight of Pentacles is a sign of deliberate movement towards a goal. Whatever is built with this energy will stand the test of time. This character is almost frustratingly slow but what’s important is that they’re still moving forward. In this deck, the Knight of Pentacles is so determined to be slow and steady that he seems to be pulling his horse back and stopping him from charging forward full speed. 

Even though his position is upright and in a way seems to be moving quite quickly, the expression on his face tells us otherwise: he is calm, steady, and unbothered by a bucking horse. Aside from building a stable foundation, the Knight of Pentacles tells us that this week we can rely on the calmness within us. We can move ahead invoking his sense of calmness in the midst of chaos. What will best support us now is learning to harness the horse, so to speak, to not allow external circumstances to shake us and to stay even keeled no matter what. 

Card 3: What is the biggest challenge? -- Three of Cups (Reversed)

This probably goes without saying given the fact that many of us are currently in social isolation or quarantine, but the hardest part of this week is going to be the lack of community, the lack of togetherness, and the inability to celebrate how far we have come. When upright, the Three of Cups is all about celebration with family and friends, creating community over a shared harvest, and enjoying the emotional rewards of personal connections between many people at once. This card always makes me think of family, and when it is reversed it’s almost like the family can’t or won't come together and share. If you’ve been fine without human contact until now, this may be a very hard week for you and  you suddenly feel that weight. 

During this time, many of us (myself included) are far away from our families and unable to hold them close to us in an embrace. Even if family relationships are strained, it’s always difficult to be away from them especially when we are constantly facing challenges and feeling the weight of global grief. We are fortunate to live in a time when physical distances can be crossed virtually in many different ways - we can easily call, text, FaceTime, Zoom, email, Facebook, tweet, etc. But this week may illuminate the things we cannot approximate using technology: the sensation of a hug, the intimacy of a kiss, what it’s like to look into someone’s eyes and not a front facing camera. Humans are social by nature, we are affectionate by nature and times are made more difficult when we can’t act these things out. 

Card 4: What is the biggest opportunity?  -- The Ace of Pentacles

This week with all it’s difficulties presents us with a beautiful, yet subtle, new beginning! This is the hope we’ve all been looking for and working hard to build up. I feel like this Ace of Pentacles is specifically pointing to new beginnings on the individual level. It brings us the sense that we can start something new, plant a seed of what we want and watch it begin to grow. The Ace of Pentacles is traditionally about wealth and material assets so this week may bring about a new sense of self-worth that propels you to explore what you want for your life.

The Ace of Pentacles is a small peek into what is to come. It is not something fully developed just yet but instead just the very beginning, the idea of something that requires hard work to be nurtured into something fruitful. Remember that this is an opportunity and not a guarantee. If you spend this whole week dwelling on The Wheel of Fortune turning downwards or the Three of Cups feeling emptier than ever, you might overlook this Ace of Pentacles moment.

It’s up to us to seek and find this Ace of Pentacles and to not let it go.

Card 5: Overall Energies -- Judgement (Reversed)

Judgement reversed points us inward to better understand ourselves and to quiet our inner critic so we can see the truth of our thoughts and purpose. This week is a great time for inner reflection and meditation. Take some time to just sit and process how you feel and why you might be feeling it. This is an excellent time to journal, meditate, sit still, and overall to listen to yourself. If you aren’t quite sure what your intuition sounds like, this is a great week to try and figure that out. This isn’t a time when movement is favored but rather a time to step back away from the noise of others and be still and silent while we figure things out.

Judgement reversed also comes up when there is a greater message or call to action that we are ignoring. With states reopening prematurely and people turning away from the potential improvements that could happen if we proceed with social isolation measures (such as keeping the economy closed), we are ignoring the main purpose of this event big time. We have a great opportunity to fundamentally change the way our society functions for the greater good. After all, when all the cracks in the foundation are exposed, we have the responsibility to choose what we want to do - are you going to ignore them and hope it doesn’t come crumbling down or are you going to fix it so that the same cracks don’t ever form again?

We have a choice this week to surrender to difficulty and challenges or to use them as fuel to change the way we think and live. Some of the greatest innovations have happened as a result of scarcity, of seemingly insurmountable situations, and fear. Judgement reversed asks us to be honest with ourselves -- is there something we need to do that we haven’t had the courage or the drive to do? Center yourself, and then go do it.

No matter what you’re dealing with this week, I wish everyone safety and health!

To schedule a personal tarot reading with me, please fill out this form.


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