Pick a Card Tarot - December 31, 2020


In the meditation for these cards and messages, I set the intention to deliver messages to the collective that were needed going into 2021. While I definitely feel like the calendar new year is arbitrary and there are perhaps more energetically aligned times to celebrate the future while reflecting on the past (hello winter solstice, lunar new year, Rosh Hashanah, birthdays…), leaving 2020 certainly feels monumental. 

All that being said, close your eyes and take the deepest breath you’ve taken all day. Then, when you open your eyes, pick the card (or crystal) that immediately calls to you and scroll down to read the message you need to receive going into 2021. 

Card #1 + Sunstone

The Empress. You are in your power, much more than you are even aware of. As you move into this blank slate of a year, take a moment to enjoy the stability that you have created for yourself and the abundance that surrounds you. You have been hard at work honoring yourself and building yourself up from the inside out. It must be tiring to do so much all on your own, but there is so much to be gained from ruling your life and your path.

Do not give in to any external pressures at this time as there may be people around you that are still adjusting to how strong you are standing in yourself. On the other hand, the people who truly see you for who you are can recognize your newfound glow and are seeing you in all your shiny glory right now: you are particularly beautiful when you are courageously and unapologetically being yourself.

The empress is also an ultimate mother figure, so at this time it is important to reflect on the things you have birthed and nurtured over this last year and the things you hope to bring up in 2021. What’s an idea or dream you’ve been holding onto for a while? Is it ready to see the light of day and come to fruition? What can you do to prepare for this to come to life? Get clear about your brainchild, whatever it may be, and set yourself on a path to welcome it into the material world. 

There is a lot of abundance in this card as well, both materially and spiritually. Be open to gifts of all kinds, especially those that seem to perfectly fit into your life or answer long held questions. Especially now, the more gratitude you express for the wealth and security you already have, the more you will be rewarded with soon. 

Card #2 + Green Goldstone

Two of Wands. At this moment, you find yourself just after the big bang of a great idea. Having already started off on the path led by inspiration and action, the first wave of motivation and clarity has worn off and now you’re waiting. Not even sure what exactly you’re waiting for, you’re hoping that what you can just barely make out on the other side of this moment is just as beautiful and expansive as it seems. This is the moment you conceptualize the potential of what could be. 

Know that you are not waiting in vain: there is so much more for you just a little ways up ahead. However, you’re still early on the path to what you want and even though there will be rewards for you soon, those rewards are actually meant to serve as relics of hope for you to carry with you through the many challenges and tests you’ll encounter later on. Even knowing that this is only the beginning of your journey, it is extremely important that you take this time to dream.

Dream about what you want, what you really really want if all the rules of reality went out the window. Dream of who you want there with you when you get to the end of this journey. Dream of what the journey itself will be like, what skills you’ll acquire and what you’ll have to leave behind to lighten the load on your back as you carry on forward. Dream about every tiny detail and realize that everything can be exactly as you wish it to be. Acknowledge the importance of this step as it gives you the coordinates of your path ahead. 

The Two of Wands is about waiting and also about expansion. What are you waiting for? Have you lost hope as you’re waiting? What can you do to ignite an ember of hope again? You’re tasked with reflecting on how you’ve abandoned your most bold and audacious dreams. And once you’ve done that, your task is to dream again and keep dreaming.

Card #3 + Raw Selenite

The Magician. What a lucky, lucky card to receive at the new year. Everything you touch now turns to gold, and by that I mean, everything you think now becomes reality. As Midas learned that not everything is meant to be gold, you too will soon learn that not everything you wanted was for the highest good. I’ll add another cliche here to drive the point home: with great power comes great responsibility.

It is a great blessing to be reminded that you create your reality. It is empowering and exhilarating to know that you can (and almost always will) have whatever it is you think up. However, when manifestation becomes a deliberate act it also becomes a heavy one. Stagnation can set in when you are scared to wish for anything for fear of the unintended consequences you might set into motion. The message here is to listen better.

Listen more closely to your heart and your intuition. Deliberately make space for those voices to be louder and clearer and then take notes. Give your thinking mind a break from trying to out-maneuver the universe. The Magician is the master manifestor, but not the master strategist, after all. Where are you constantly trying to strategize? That’s where you need to loosen up in order to receive your desires. 

At this time, reflect on the times when you have felt powerless. Were you actually powerless or was it an illusion? What would you have done differently if you had known you weren’t powerless? Move into 2021 knowing that even when it seems we can control nothing, we can always control ourselves. Sometimes, controlling your reactions and breaking harmful cycles internally are more powerful than controlling the outcome anyway.

Decks used:

Card 1 - The Rider Tarot

Card 2 - Pagan Otherworlds Tarot by Uusi

Card 3 - True Heart Intuitive Tarot

I hope you all enjoyed this pick a card reading! If you liked it and want to see more readings like this one in 2021, let me know in the comments below.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe 2021!


Body Peace Series #3


Weekly Tarot: September 7th-12th